Mambo Inn composed by Mario Bauza, George Robert Woodlen, Edgar Sampson & Jay Martins played by Lechuga Fresca Latin Band at Arlington Center for the Arts Nov 2, 2019
PorchFest 2018
Dancers getting down to Sara Honeywell’s bone solo on Caravan composed by Duke Ellington, Irving Mills, & Juan Tizol
Betsy’s solo on Cohelo composed by Claude B. Cave II – Somerville PorchFest 2019
Mambo Mango composed by Alexandre Panteix-Gerard and Pierre Manuel Gonin played by Lechuga Fresca Latin Band at Mattapan Farmers’ Market Sept 25, 2021
Cianna composed by Joey Calderallo played by Lechuga Fresca Latin Band at Mattapan Farmers’ Market Sept 25, 2021
Viva Cepeda composed by Cal Tjader, played by Lechuga Fresca Latin Band at the Mattapan Farmers’ Market on Sept 25, 2021, solos by Karen Welling on keyboards, Jon Fraser trumpet, Ryan Vasios on alto sax